10 Ideas to Teach Kids How to Pray
Jun 11, 2023
Do you ever feel unsure how to teach your kids to pray? ... or maybe even unqualified to teach them?
Would you like a little help with how to get started so that both you and your kids can deepen your prayer lives and relationships with Jesus?
Then check out this week's video where I'll show you 10 ideas for teaching your kids how to pray.
There's so many great ideas packed into this quick video, and I am so excited for you to check it out!
Now don't get overwhelmed thinking you need to do all 10 of these ideas at once. No, no, no, no.
Treat these 10 ideas like a buffet. If you try to eat everything at the buffet, you'll end up with a stomachache. No, it's better to pick just a few things from the buffet, enjoy those, and then go back for more later (oh, and skip the rice ... it's just empty carbs that will fill you up before you get to the good stuff 😉).
Take that same approach here. Just take 1 or 2 of the ideas in this video and add them in tonight when you pray with your kids. You'll be surprised with how well this works and how encouraged you are to do more.
One other thing to remember: The best way for kids to learn how to pray is by watching you pray with them. Nine of the 10 ideas in this video do not require your kid to pray a loud at all. Instead, these ideas are for you to help you model the richness of prayer when you have a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
Over time, your kids will grow comfortable with praying aloud and even ask you if they can pray. That just takes time and intentionality on our part as parents. So be patient with them and faithful to pray with them daily knowing that many small deposits of faith will yield great dividends for the Kingdom.
So go ahead and check out this week's video right here.
You'll be so glad that you did.
All my best,
Grab your copy of this free parenting resource and start transforming your family's prayer life today.
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