Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

Regulating Your Emotions as a Parent

big emotions emotional regulation parental anger Jul 10, 2024

Hey there,


Sometimes it can be so hard regulating our emotions as parents. Many of us struggle with regulating our own emotions and are not sure how to be calmer in our parenting. Then we feel like failures and like there's no way we can help our child with big emotions. That's what I'm talking about in this week's video:



The truth is that Jesus knew EXACTLY who He was choosing when He chose you as your child's parent. He wants you to lead your child in this area of big emotions. As you start regulating your own emotions as a parent and become calmer, you'll be exactly the right person to help your child who struggles with big emotions because you will completely understand the struggle they are having and have some tested tools and strategies for navigating those emotions more effectively.


So don't let the enemies of Christ's Kingdom keep beating you up. Instead, remember who you are in Jesus Christ. You are His, and He can do great things through you when you let Him.


So go ahead and watch this week's video so you have some new strategies for helping yourself in those challenging parenting moments.


You'll be so glad you did.


All my best,


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