Dealing with a Kid who is Bossy
Mar 31, 2023
Have you ever said, "That kid will make a great lawyer someday."?
Is your kid an expert at whining, complaining, badgering, and wearing you down because they won't accept no?
Then I have two 1 minute videos all about how to understand and address demandingness in your child. Check them out below.
This first one helps define what demandingness is and what you need to teach your kid instead.
And this second one gives you a simple, heart-based strategy for handing all those times where you say "No" and your kid still whines, complains, and badgers.
So why do kids whine, badger, complain, and argue?
Well, because sometimes it works. If it didn't work, our kids would choose other strategies. So it's important that we help kids see these demanding attitudes don't work with us. We need to avoid getting into these arguments and instead get our kids focused on their hearts. It's also important that we train our kids to have better responses and strategies in family life.
So go ahead and give those two 1 minute videos a look (feel free to click through to YouTube and hit that like button when you do, please), and then get started working on your kid's heart.
All my best,
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