Empower Your Child to Pray Through Worry and Anxious Feelings
Nov 21, 2024
Hey there,
You know that child of yours who's struggling with worry and anxious feelings?
In this week's video, I'm going to show you a parenting strategy that'll help you empower your child to have less worry, less nervousness, less anxious feelings, and greater peace instead.
Yes, that's right, we're turning to the Armor of God in Ephesians 6! No, we're not going to go all "old school Sunday School" on you by breaking out the flannel graph and showing you what each part of the armor stands for before making a craft. 🤣
But we are going to look at an object lesson you can use with your child and 3 specific strategies for getting your child off the worry cycle and on to the peace cycle, and all of these strategies involve the Armor of God.
When children start to worry, they get themselves into a worry cycle where their flight-fright-freeze-appease part of their brain starts up (not by choice mind you but as a reaction to something). Once that worry cycle gets spinning, it can be a huge challenge to stop. That's why we need strategies that help our children interrupt the worry cycle and get on the peace cycle instead.
I've seen it happen too many times to deny it works. Kids who are struggling with worry finding greater peace because their parents empowered them with some simple yet powerful tools that brought about heart transformation. That's what I want for you and your child as well.
And if you don't have a child who struggles with worry, you likely know another child who does.
That's exactly why I made this week's video and why you should check it out.
So check it out! You'll be so glad you did.
All my best,
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