Help Your Anxious Child Feel HEARD!
Oct 29, 2024
Hey there everyone,
One in eight children struggle with anxiety.
That's right. One in eight.
And so many of us parents feel like we have no idea how to help our children overcome this emotion.
In this week's video, I'm going to show you a parenting shift you can make now that'll allow your child to start navigating feelings of anxiety and worry a whole lot more successfully.
It's the same parenting shift I taught Bryan and Emily who were parents to a wonderful young 9 year old girl who struggled with anxiety for years. When we first started working together, their daughter was constantly washing her hands, wanting to take showers, and changing clothes in fear of germs. She struggled in every peer relationship she had because she worried so much about all kinds of social scenarios and hypothetical situations. She constantly was getting into arguments with everyone at home because things had to be "her way" since she panicked any time they weren't.
Bryan and Emily worked a lot with their daughter, and it took several months of specific, targeted heart work with their daughter, but they kept at it. It wasn't easy. Progress was slow.
But in the end, Bryan and Emily saw their daughter slowly start navigating her anxiety and worry a whole lot better. Germ fears mostly disappeared. The endless hypotheticals about peer relationships diminished, and she even started getting a long better with everyone at home.
Yes, Bryan and Emily used a lot of heart-based strategies to see this type of victory in their daughter's life, but it all started with the mindset shift I share in this video.
So if you have a child who worries often, check out this week's video. You'll be so glad you did.
All my best,
PS - This mindset shift also works for kids who struggle with anger, sadness, and lots of other emotions as well.
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