Help Your Child LET GO of Worry with a Box!?!
Nov 13, 2024
Hey everyone,
Does your child (or maybe you) struggle with anxious thoughts? If you've been searching for a way to guide them off the relentless worry cycle, you need to watch this week's video:
But don’t let its simplicity fool you (like it did me at first). This heart-based strategy has transformed how some children process and manage worry. When I first came across this idea, I thought, "Oh, that's cute." but I had no idea it would actually work!?!
Then I had several families I was working with 1:1 try it out, and all them came back with glowing reports of how a simple, little box completely changed how their child dealt with worry. They actually started seeing their children worry less often as well!
I also share two essential questions in this video that shift conversations with your children around worry so you and your child can get off the worry cycle faster and more effectively. I also will share practical ways to connect your child’s heart with biblical truth—without turning this box into just another arts-and-crafts project.
So check out this week's video and start helping your child develop the habit of turning to faith for reassurance.
You'll be so glad you did.
All my best,
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