Let's Go - 1:1 Coaching

Is it ever ok for kids to not follow your instructions?

Oct 01, 2024

Hey there,


Is it ever ok for kids to not follow your instructions?


No, right?


But wait! What if they were working on their homework and had just 2 more math problems left when you told them to take the garbage out and they just wanted to finish their homework first.


See, it's a little more complicated that you first thought.


How do we balance when our children have a pretty good reason for wanting to delay following our instructions while still making sure they don't abuse that and start not cooperating?


That's what this week's video is all about:



When we start talking about this topic, parents tend to worry. "What if my kid abuses this and starts trying to object to every instruction I give?"


I hear you, and I get it. Empowering children with tools can sometimes make us nervous as parents because they may misuse them. But we can always revisit the topic and talk to our child if we see them abusing a tool we give that.


That and the fact that whether we teach them how to state their objection/need respectfully or not, they will still have it. And when we don't teach them how to use their voice, they feel bossed around and unheard which turns into some very negative thinking patterns that can lead to bitterness in their relationship with us.


So trust me on this one and watch this week's video and then consider how you might use it in your own parenting journey so you can have a closer relationship with your child.


You'll be so glad you did.


All my best,


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